Kreider Professor of Biology and Head of Department
Evolution and Behavior
( e-mail
(610) 330-5460 voice
(610) 330-5705 FAX
Student research in my lab is focused primarily on mate choice and parental behavior in tropical freshwater cichlid fish from South and Central America. We are currently studying the evolution of sexual dimorphism and sexual dichromatism (sexual selection) as it impacts mate choice in species of the genus Cryptoheros by videographic behavioral analysis of their social interactions in large colonies (mate choice and territoriality) and in controlled ‘multiple-choice’ single fish experiments.
Representative Studies:
- Reverse Sexual Dichromatism and Aggression in the Topaz Cichlid, Cryptoheros septemfasciatus, with Jenna Breslin (’06).
- Sex-Specific Parental Care Duties in the Convict Cichlid, Cryptoheros nigrofasciatus, with Ashley Rettew (’06).
- The Significance of Female Size and Ventral Coloration on Male Mate Choice in the Topaz Cichlid, Cryptoheros septemfasciatus, with Adam Lindsay (’04).
Representative Publications:
- Leibel, W. , 2003. The Evolution of Mouthbrooding in South American Eartheaters. Journal of the American Cichlid Association 216 (June): 1-19.
- Leibel, W., 2003. Evolutionary Transitions in Parental Care in Cichlid fish. Journal of the American Cichlid Association 215 (April): 18-23.
- Leibel, W. 1995. Electrophoretic Analysis of LDH Phenotype Supports Splitting of the Genus Geophagus sensu Gosse (Teleostei, Cichlidae). Copeia 1995(1): 217 – 223.